Our Services

Surf school

With more than 20 years experience, enDo surf has established a progressive learning concept for surfers globally from our surf camp in Morocco to our local camp right here in Muizenberg; with recognized training content optimized for all ages and all surf levels.

We provide Individually adapted coaching / guiding and theory to further convey additional knowledge. And depending on the swell, we’re always searching for the best locations around the Cape Peninsula, Hence our motto: Surf the Cape Every day!

We’ve become known for our relaxed and friendly atmosphere, teaching individuals in a safe, quick and fun way..If you are interested to find out more..you can check out our website below for incredible packages that also include magnificent tours and safaris all around the Cape Peninsula!

Don´t miss out! Book now!

Surf Camp

Our home.. where guests from all over the world join us for the ultimate surf camp experience!

The beautiful Cape Dutch villa in Muizenberg is home to many wonderful individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. We surf together everyday and always searching ideal locations for the best surfing conditions around the Cape Peninsula.

We introduce to you a home away from home..Immaculate services that tends to your every need. And amazing adventures, sightseeing and surfing experience. Our camp isn´t just about surfing..It´s a home..Every morning starts with a delicious breakfast, and for some, Adventures across the the Peninsula..Or, you can just enjoy our picture perfect garden, where one can sunbathe or simply just read a book and then, to end off your day..you´ll get a warm traditional homecooked meal from our awesome cooks..

Our guesthouse is walking distance from the World’s best longboarding surf spots in Muizenberg, Surfers Corner, where a highly trained and motivated team awaits you on site; providing you with comprehensive beginner to advanced coaching for all ages and will assist you throughout your experience..

Dont miss out! Book now!