Where our Story begins..
During the Lockdown our team decided on starting a blog. Bringing home everything we love about Muizenberg to those situated miles away and to those to those who literally right here on our doorstep. Our Stories will include the „What’s happening“ here in Muizenberg; Feature some of our famous traditional homecooked meals; And the latest on Surfing; Including tips on improving for your surfing, coaching and lifestyle.

Also known as the Cape Coast.
The beautiful Cape Dutch villa in Muizenberg is home to many wonderful individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Home to surfing community which have now gone still…

Surf the Cape everyday!
Surfers Corner is one of the World’s best longboard surf spots in Muizenberg. It is walking distance away from the Castle. We surf together everyday and always searching ideal locations for the best surfing conditions around the Cape Peninsula. Muizenberg beach is known for its beautiful brightly painted huts, attracted by surfers across the world.
Hence our Motto: Surf the Cape Everyday!
Life right now….
Today, surfing around the Cape isn’t the same….with social distancing and Governments inconsistent Lockdown regulations, it isn’t doesnt feel like home anymore..
However, Monday, 1st of June 2020, a Momentous day for Muizenberg residents, who flocked to Surfers Corner, liberating themselves, paddling out into the magnificent ocean…It was a wondrous sight; It was as if the ocean was welcoming back her family.
Re-opening the Cape Castle!
Great news for our local surfers who needs a well deserved getaway. A home away from home. Immaculate services that tends to your every need; And….of course the amazing adventures, sightseeing and surfing experience.
Our camp isn’t just about surfing. Like we’ve mentioned before its a home. Right here in Muizenberg. Every morning starts with a delicious breakfast Always included a tasty surprise. And for some adventures across the Peninsula you can have a walk through the mountains . Or you just enjoy the beautiful Mountain views with a picture perfect garden. Where one can sunbathe or simply just read a book. and then.. at the end of the day you’ll get a warm cooked traditional homecooked meal..
Let us continue our story on #Muizenberglovestory and help us grow!